v     Pending obituaries will be read for a 24-hour period at no charge.

v     Complete arrangements will also be read for a 24-hour period at no charge.


v     Extended, complete obituaries will be read through the day and time of the service at a charge of $50.


Obituaries on KLMJ are read 4 times daily (7 day a week) following the 7 and 8 a.m., the 12:15, and 5 p.m. news, and are online 24/7 at klmj.com. Starting Monday, March 2nd, KQCR obituaries will be read 3 times daily (Monday-Saturday) following the 7:30 a.m., 12:30, and 4:30 p.m. news, and will be online 24/7 at kqcr.fm.

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